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Monday, June 6, 2011

tattoo anime

    tattoo anime. Anime Tattoos
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  • Analog Kid
    Nov 22, 03:28 AM
    As a mechanical engineer, I'm not exactly cynical about this application of Eneco's technology, but I remain very, very skeptical. With such a relatively small temperature difference, I would say it is very unlikely that such a device would be economically feasible. A quick visit to Eneco's site shows me that they don't even have lab data for temperature differences of less than 100 deg C!

    They obfuscate the issue of efficiency by referring to the Carnot efficiency to inflate the numbers to the uninitiated. Sadi Carnot showed that an ideal heat engine that operated between two infinite reservoirs at temperatures, T(hot) and T(cold) would have an efficiency of ( T(hot)-T(cold) ) / T(hot), and the temperatures have to be on an absolute scale like Kelvin or Rankine. The "Carnot efficiency" compares the performance of the system in question to this ideal heat engine.

    Suppose you ran your chip at a very warm 90 deg C (363 K) and could dump the heat to your 25 deg C (298 K) room, your perfect efficiency would be about 18%! This means that for every 5W of heat you dissipate from the chip, you get a little less that 1 W of electric power. Something with an impressive-sounding 50% Carnot efficiency would really have a measly 9% real efficiency.

    Unless Eneco sells these things very cheaply and makes them very small, I can't see Apple going through the trouble and expense of adding them to their portables for such a small benefit in recycled power. I remain skeptical, yet open-minded.

    Finding efficiency data for temperatures below 100C would be important since the max junction temperature for most processors is below that. Power supply devices max out at about 150C. You just can't get hotter than that and expect silicon to function as a semiconductor.

    If the Intel chips burn 100W, then 9% conversion efficiency would generate 9W of electricity. In absolute terms, that's not too bad. You can do a lot with 9W. If you have a 5 hour battery life now, and can use these on all the major power sinks, you'd get 5.5 hours of battery life.

    (Those are big "if"s, but putting them in bold seemed a bit too cynical...)

    Interesting, but not earth shattering yet... If this became widespread though and we could cut world energy consumption by 10%-- that would be a big deal. Personally, I think there's more to be gained in cars (hotter and less efficient to begin with) than computers, but who knows.

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  • azraq27
    Nov 21, 04:35 PM
    Here's my idea:

    Hook up that chip, and then just keep overclocking the thing... you don't have to worry about it overheating and melting, it'll just give you more battery life.

    It could go infinitely fast for infinitely long!

    There's probably something in there about conduction and efficiency and stuff, but I'll leave that to the engineers

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  • Jo from Bust Angel has tattoos

  • BenRoethig
    Oct 30, 11:34 AM

    Macworld posted an article on the subject today. You can read it with the link above. I'm going to post a couple comments from the article by Adobe's John Nack.

    Nack offers a different point of view. From his perspective, if Apple hadn�t switched to Intel processors, Soundbooth might very likely be a Windows application only. Apple�s migration to the Intel chip architecture �makes Mac development more attractive,� said Nack.

    �Here�s the reality: Apple�s migration to Intel chips means that it�s easier to develop for both Mac and Windows, because instead of splitting development resources optimizing for two different chip architectures, you can focus on just one,� he wrote.

    This is why the PowerPC machines need to go as quickly as everyone can buy an Intel machine. Making a intel only Mac Application is cheaper and less time consuming for the developer and is able to take advantage of any code optimization for the x86 platform. That makes it more likey that we'll get better software products and applications we normally wouldn't get. To be frank, developers had absolutely no reason to optimize PPC applications. The platform is too small to warrant it.

    The follow snippet is something the platform as a whole should take note of. It should be pretty self explanatory.

    Nack � a professed �die-hard� Mac user � also refers to �that vocal little group of zealots and forum trolls� he sees as particularly damaging to Mac users� reputations as a whole.

    �You�re hurting the Mac platform. You�re hurting the Mac community. You need to crush a little aluminum foil against those antennae of yours, because you�re hurting everyone concerned. You�re making it harder (and less appealing) for people of goodwill to make the effort to support the Mac,� he said.

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  • anime back tattoo girl

  • bill4588
    Oct 9, 04:34 PM
    i dont know why walmart and target are making a fuss about the online movie store. they're like "it's going to cut into our sales!! waaaahhhhhh!!" they need to shut up. it's like they don't understand competitive advantage.


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  • Dandelion Tattoo by ~AnimeChi

  • kuebby
    Mar 26, 07:05 PM
    Typical of a company that has no business model right now; become a patent troll. Kind of a shame, Kodak used to be a great company, but they got left behind by the digital revolution.

    Exactly what I was going to say. It's sad that trolling has entered real-life now, it was bad enough when it was just an online behavior propagated by children.

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  • Tatuajes parte Anime

  • dcv
    Sep 17, 12:23 PM
    indeed, we *don't* like being stalked. and i'm speaking from experience here.

    i'm afraid you may have to bow out of this endeavour. don't keep turning up to the apple store because she's obviously spotted you hanging around on several occasions and it's making her feel uncomfortable. if you do decide to go to back to the store then at least go to one of the workshops or something, don't just stand there staring longingly at the stockroom door. but i'd really advise leaving it a while.

    it started as such a lovely story when i read it, but i don't see a fairytale ending...


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  • extra special in a tattoo.

  • seanf
    Sep 20, 03:11 AM
    Ok just so my pea brain has a proper handle on this, are people saying that all I have to do is simply install XP, off of my XP disk, onto a free HDD, and viola, I am done? I'll assume that I will also need some drivers for video, and such as well...If you have a RAID setup you cannot run Bootcamp, but you can get the drivers. Find the Bootcamp package, right click on it and select Show Contents. Then find an image file in the Window that comes up and burn this to a CD. If you don't have a RAID setup just run Bootcamp and select the option to burn drivers to a CD - don't go through the partitioning bit.

    You need to configure the drive where you will install Windows as a Windows boot drive. To do this go into Disk Utility, select the drive you want to install XP on, format the drive as MS-DOS and set the options to Master Boot Record (very important or you wont be able to boot XP). Once you have done these stick your XP installation CD in and shutdown your Mac. Remove all hard drives, except for the one you want to install XP on and start your Mac by holding the command or c key. Once you've installed put your other drives back in and you should be able to boot OS X and XP.

    Sean :)

    tattoo anime. Categorias: Anime, Tattoos
  • Categorias: Anime, Tattoos

  • SPUY767
    Sep 26, 04:39 PM

    Tounge-in-cheek comment, but I am somewhat miffed at Apple because of this.

    The good lord brought me to these forums to piss people off. :D


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  • toddybody
    Mar 25, 09:28 AM
    Awesome awesome price...jeeze, theres very little reason for anyone not to have an iPad now (if they wanted one in the first place).

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  • BRLawyer
    Feb 19, 04:30 AM
    Steve looks the same as he did at the last two keynotes.

    Exactly what I said before this thread turned into a shambles...there's no way to tell whether he looks better or worse than the last six months - it's just the same.

    And I am gonna mirror another poster's question: was the bad actor banned?


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  • (TATTOOS ANIME « Ronaldo

  • lmalave
    Nov 2, 10:13 PM
    In respect to the dedicated graphics card, I totally agree with you here. I keep saying it, but a dedicated gaming machine made in the Apple style would absolutely vault them 5% in share overnight. Maybe more.

    Hmm...interesting idea. Maybe Apple could offer a $100 upgrade to a decent video card in the MacBook and Mac mini. And brand those as the "gaming" versions of those machines. I think this would be worth it for Apple. Even though it would cannibalize some MBP sales, I think the increase in MacBook sales would be much larger than the slight drop in MBP sales...

    EDIT: And hey, what about if in order to highlight the multithreaded Open GL capabilities in OS X, the "gaming versions" came with World of Warcraft preinstalled and optimized for multithreading? It would be a boon for Apple since WoW is so popular, and it would be good marketing for Blizzard, since WoW makes most of its money from subscriptions anyway...

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  • tvguru
    Sep 25, 10:47 AM
    waaaaaaah Apple only anounced a photo editing program and a photography centered event. I am selling my macbook and G5 this is total BS!!!!!!

    lol, you go girl! :p


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  • if you had an anime tattoo

  • Natesac
    Mar 11, 01:53 PM
    By the sounds of it if you show up to willow bend this afternoon you will find out if you can get the model you want. They are keeping good tabs on the line.

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  • Cute Girl Tattoos - My 3

  • GodBless
    Sep 1, 03:58 AM
    Just because they are improving this build doesnt mean there aren't some major apps or system features they are not revealing to developers.

    They could be updating another version of the OS alongside this one with extra goodness!, and the updates are most likely to be fixes based on what the devs tell them is buggy.

    I think they have purposefully left stuff out of Leopard for the moment so that it is even more shocking when it is all revealed at the launch of Leopard! thats what apple does best, shocks the public with "one more thing!"I have to agree. I am certain that when Steve Jobs said that there are "Top Secret" features he wasn't joking. Sure we have minor updates but that can't compete with Vista and those features aren't really good enough to be "Top Secret" after all -- how valuable to Microsoft and appealing to buyers are those small features anyway?

    My assumption is that Apple will blast Vista away with new Leopard features that haven't been revealed to anyone yet -- including those developers who are currently testing Leopard -- just wait for MacWorld San Francisco (MWSF) in January.


    tattoo anime. Re: Anime Tattoo Picture Post
  • Re: Anime Tattoo Picture Post

  • edesignuk
    Dec 18, 10:42 AM
    Oh I guess you must be right then. :rolleyes:No more right than you are, but I'm not the one trying to stamp on everyone's parade. :rolleyes: indeed.

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  • bigsexyy81
    Aug 19, 01:06 PM
    yes this is the reason. try it yourself.

    and yes. i updated FB on my phone. so i just deleted it, and then re-sync'd my phone with the older version of FB.
    You were spot on. Thanks.

    Totally annoying. I use Infinifolders and I think it's going to make me redo all my folders. At least that's what it looked like in iTunes.



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  • There are the modern anime

  • *LTD*
    May 5, 01:43 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2 like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C134 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Devil's Advocate:

    I bought a Netbook Holiday Special ($199 normally $399 with ATI chip and graphics and Win 7 Home Premium) from the MS Store last Dec.

    MS took off the manufacturer's build (with tons of bloat-ware) and put their own on. It included a lot MS of extras (photo, video editing, music editor - sounding familiar?) and their premium Anti-Virus with lifetime subscription.

    When it booted, it only asked for my username and the type of network to connect to (again - familiar? LOL)

    I haven't had any problems with it whatsoever... :eek:

    Just food for thought...

    A lot of people on this board forget that Windows is the OS leader for a reason...

    Universal licensing.

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  • Sabacrow
    May 2, 03:54 PM
    Why not just set Chrome's tab settings to open all links in a new tab? Or get an add-on if that setting isn't in Chrome by default?

    I've searched for a Chrome add-on that would let me change the keyboard shortcut, but again I found nothing

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  • Skull Tattoo Japanese Style In

  • rjflyn
    Apr 12, 06:19 PM
    And how many Ipad-1 owners have yet to upgrade, those stats aren't given. If you are happy with what you have are you going to switch when you do upgrade, for the Average Joe probably not. I personally know just as many people who refer to Verizon as Whorizon as other who refer to ATT as the Death Star.

    Designer Dale
    Mar 18, 11:54 AM
    These days much of the craftsmanship that used to take place in the darkroom coaxing a master print from a negative now takes place digitally. A technically well exposed frame can still produce a crappy print at the end of a less skilled artist. Conversely, technical perfection (second curtain sync, hyperfocal distancing gobbledygook) has very little to do with art, or even creativity. Great "art" these days is even being shot on a cellphone.

    Both camps (the technical-crats & the ones who are blissfully unaware of the minutiae) can produce "great" work.

    Many beginners suffer from the same bad pshop skills (hey, look... I can make grass grow on his head, no make that two heads) and mistakes that beginning designers can (hey look, I can make EACH letter a different color, and a different font).

    All that being said, if I was teaching beginning photographers I would remove almost everything to start (camera, lens, etc.) and go primitive and start with building pinhole cameras. Then I would progress to the end point which would be post-processing. Post-processing is huge though...
    When I learned film photography in the '70s, we were not allowed to use our SLR cameras. The college provided 4x5 view cameras. That put all of us on the same level for the first year. By the time I was finishing up my senior work using my Nikon the school had beginning students building pin hole cameras. This helped a lot. When I showed up for my first classes, some of the other students had Hasselbad cameras. Forgetting about gear forced us to think about the frame and what was going on in there.


    Nov 2, 10:41 AM
    It's sad though, many people still hate macs. People who have not used one since the old OS 8 / OS 9 days. The 'only one-mouse button / expensive / can't run any programs' image still tarnishes apple. It might take another couple of years for that to wear off from people. At least.

    redeye be
    Jun 10, 03:37 AM
    Back at my computer, finally.
    A lumbago kept me laying down in front of my tv since sunday. sucks.
    Thx for helping out with the user questions.

    Time to do some work on the widget :D

    Sep 17, 10:14 PM
    From my experience working retail, she is going to the back and talking to other employees...."OMG, there is this creepy guy in here again."

    You'll really know that is true if someone else comes out of the backroom to look at you.

    Apr 24, 02:13 PM
    An 11in model with a little less bezel, a wide gamut matte or anti-glare screen with a min of 350nits, firewire min, sd card slot, and LV i core cpu(don't need much gpu power as the intel 4500hd on my Vaio works with my needs perfectly).

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tattoo anime

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