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Saturday, June 25, 2011

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  • BharatPremi
    03-12 04:38 PM
    a. Background check: They are currently doing my background check. How long does it take to complete this process? Even though I do not have any bad history still a little nervous. Is there anything I need to know about this?

    I am assuming here that you referred Background Check done by future employer as a part of employment offer before granting you the final offer. In that case mostly your employer might have contracted that to third party. And if that would have been the case then it solely depends upon where you resides now and how many states you have moved so far from the date of first entry in uSA and what kind of new implementation all those states may have. Some states even gives "Red Flag" for traffic violation such as speeding. What happens is that, that third party would see only "red flag" and would not come to know about underlying cause of the "red flag". So as a process that third party first come to your future employer notifying about this " red flag". Then your employer decides to query that further having signature from you and would notify third party to dig further and then third party will go to state police to know the underlying cause and state police will work on that by taking fee and and some point of time it will say " hey he had traffic violation". So it may eat up 3 to 4 months to finish the whole cycle and ball is in your employer's court whether to hire you or wait to hire till then. Most companies hire without wasting time and afterwards if something really serious feedback comes in will boot you otherwise you will be fine.

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  • desi chala usa
    09-18 02:32 PM
    Reading the posts about the economy has just shown me how ignorant many of the IV members are.

    The economy is just going through it's ~10-year cycle. While it is a concern, it is NOT the end of the world. It just strenghtens USA's position in the world. Once again, it has proved that "if USA sneezes, the world catches the cold". The 10-years economic cycle follows a kind of Darwin's Law of the Fittest. The firms that are bubbled up get washed away, the economy cleans up and rebounds back. The 1990s saw it, the year ~2001 saw it with the burst and ~2009-2010 is seeing it with the mortgage burst.

    While it is each one's perogative as to what you want to invest into (good time to buy stocks, or buy gold), another thing to understand is FDIC does NOT insure just 100K per account in each bank. There are multiple ways to increase this insurance to over $2 million in the same bank by opening different type of accounts or having different beneficiaries. Consult your bank for details.

    No amount of govt. intervention can change the economy. It has it's own mind and will take it's own course.

    There is no need to panic, pack and run.

    Let the economy go through it's colon flush.

    Please do not forget during 2001 - 2002 how many H1b friends packed and run away......Please think in terms of H1b people.....245(i) is saving you only up to 180 days.....if the person is crossing 180 days means he is all set for next 10 years to come back to U.S.A.

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  • pappu
    06-10 12:28 PM

    On Tuesday, when we were on the Hill doing meetings during Advocacy days, we were informed by the senior Senate office that an amendment to prevent H1 and work authorizations is in the works in the Tax bill. We immediately requested this office to oppose this amendment. Senator office expressed full support for us and shared with us that the Senator's office has already expressed opposition to such an amendment.

    We would like everyone to know that just because someone has EAD, it does not mean we are in safe haven. There is no safe haven till we have approved green cards. And for those who think that they don't need to participate actively, this is a wake up call.

    We have also learned that this is degree 1 amendment. This means it will be voted on on the Senate floor even when it is non-germane to the bill. We have also learned that if such an amendment comes up for vote during this difficult political climate, it appears that such an amendment will have 70 votes in the senate which makes each one of us extremely vulnerable to be forced out. Everyone on H1, L1, J1 or EAD will risk the renewal of their current application status.

    IV is working on defeating this amendment. Please stay tuned for further updates.

    On Tuesday, Mr. Sanders sponsored an amendment S.AMDT.4319 in bill H.R.4213

    AMENDMENT PURPOSE: Purpose will be available when the amendment is proposed for consideration. See Congressional Record for text.
    Sen Grassley, Chuck [IA] - 6/9/2010
    Sen Harkin, Tom [IA] - 6/9/2010

    Source: Congressional Record - 111th Congress (2009-2010) - THOMAS (Library of Congress) (

    SA 4319. Mr. SANDERS (for himself, Mr. Grassley, and Mr. Harkin) submitted an amendment intended to be proposed by him to the bill H.R. 4213, to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to extend certain expiring provisions, and for other purposes; which was ordered to lie on the table; as follows:

    At the appropriate place, insert the following:


    (a) Short Title.--This section may be cited as the ``Employ America Act''.

    (b) In General.--The Secretary of Homeland Security may not approve a petition by an employer for any visa authorizing employment in the United States unless the employer has provided written certification, under penalty of perjury, to the Secretary of Labor that--

    (1) the employer has not provided a notice of a mass layoff pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (29 U.S.C. 2101 et seq.) during the 12-month period immediately preceding the date on which the alien is scheduled to be hired; and

    (2) the employer does not intend to provide a notice of a mass layoff pursuant to such Act.

    (c) Effect of Mass Layoff.--If an employer provides a notice of a mass layoff pursuant to the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act after the approval of a visa described in subsection (b), any visas approved during the most recent 12-month period for such employer shall expire on the date that is 60 days after the date on which such notice is provided. The expiration of a visa under this subsection shall not be subject to judicial review.

    (d) Notice Requirement.--Upon receiving notification of a mass layoff from an employer, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall inform each employee whose visa is scheduled to expire under subsection (c)--

    (1) the date on which such individual will no longer be authorized to work in the United States; and

    (2) the date on which such individual will be required to leave the United States unless the individual is otherwise authorized to remain in the United States.

    (e) Exemption.--An employer shall be exempt from the requirements under this section if the employer provides written certification, under penalty of perjury, to the Secretary of Labor that the total number of the employer's workers who are United States citizens and are working in the United States have not been, and will not be, reduced as a result of a mass layoff described in subsection (c).

    (f) Rulemaking.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Secretary of Labor shall promulgate regulations to carry out this section, including a requirement that employers provide notice to the Secretary of Homeland Security of a mass layoff (as defined in section 2 of the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act (29 U.S.C. 2101)).

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  • dummgelauft
    05-27 12:35 PM
    Hi All, This could happen in a border state. Look, there is no need to get hyped up about this. It is my 12 year of living in a border state ( the northern border). First lived 12 miles frin the border, now about 75 miles. We have never faced this problem, neither has any one of at-least a few dozen people that I know.
    Maybe the CBP had some specific information about a vehicle carrying some person(s) of interest to the US government or CBP, or some vehicle carrying contraband.
    Anyways, my point is, there is simple solution to this issue. Make clear (colored, if possible)) photocopies of your and your family's passport front page, Visa page and I-94 cards and keep those in each of your vehicle's glovebox. I am sure, these along with a Driver's License will be enough to convince all but the stupidest CBP officer.

    For those, who have EAD, carry it with you That simple.


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  • kartikiran
    08-21 09:48 AM
    welcome to the world of dealing with USCIS

    I am outraged that after not hearing ONE thing from them in over 2 years, that all of a sudden I am supposed to come up with all this stuff, hand over money I don't have and still not be assured my green card.
    I am really ticked with USCIS and their utter lack of correspondence and then expecting me to bleed money from a stone for them. They are not in any hurry to process my application so why do I need to be? I've been here this long, what's another few years?
    Has anyone else dealt with this or can you direct me to someone who knows what needs to be done and how?

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  • sunnymit
    07-12 04:58 PM
    Thanks KartiKiran and spicy_guy...


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  • pani_6
    01-16 05:14 PM
    Its like a mirroe image for many of us..The point it dont sell your soul for GC..its not worth it..there are other things important in life like family and parents and health..plan well..

    In Continuation from above post...

    8:00Am: the last half an hour I was just glaring at my pc & just thinking & not doing any work, I cancelled a vendor meeting at 8:00 as it wasn�t that imp anyway & who know by 9:00 what is gonna happen. Slowly I could see more people coming into office. Each team is slowly gathering in groups & started whispering amongst themselves on what was going on. I could see tension & worry in almost every ones eyes.

    8:15Am: by now I have atleast 15 instant message conversations going on (used internally within office network) with all my friends in other depts. & other offices & every where it is the same commotion. The responses are one liner.. hey, this guy X is out. & responses were like oh no he was such great guy, so this ping pong of instant messages was constantly going across several employees & every minute we hear atleast 2 known persons out of the building. If I could put it in simple way, if I am chatting with some guys & suddenly if that guy stops responding, then it is imperative that he is no longer an employee & it is that bad.

    9:00Am: By now the things were moving more quickly & more rapidly & more people out of building. I don�t know what was the package offered while laying off & I wasn�t even interested to think about it. Every time any manager walks by me or my aisle , my heart stops for few seconds & thinking not me please. I could not take it anymore , it�s been two hours & not knowing if & when will your turn come is really killing. I called my wife & informed about whats going & told her that if I come to house today by noon or early than regular, then it�s over as I have to handover the office crackberry & I don�t carry my personal cell. Don�t know what my wife was going on since then. & she started calling me every 10 min checking to see if I answer.

    9Am-12 PM: This has been going on from past 5 hours & yes I was still not called & someone said that after 12, they are going to stop & it�s over. Every hour passing by I was getting relieved & looking at the watch constantly did not help but it was relief though to hear that it�s going to end at 12.
    PS: the above 3 hours felt like 3 years. It�s tough to put it in writing what I was going through inside during this period.

    12PM: Bit relieved & then the commotion stopped & I could see the managers are relieved. Then someone came by & floated another rumour that it is over for today & they are going to do another round tomorrow & I wanted to scream so loud @$^&(^$#%&*(*^^%&*()))_

    1PM: The remaining employees were called upon by their managers & informed that it is over & no more & not even tomorrow or day after . At least we know for few months for sure. What a relief. The first thing I called my wife & told her. For GC holders I don�t know how you guys felt when you received your GC, I felt at that moment I got my citizenship.

    The whole point of explaining my story in detail is this could happen to anyone, & may happen again to me. So prepare for the worst & prioritize the things which are most important, children health, education, money, parents, etc. Things may look rosy now but from what I have learned in past 9 years living here is �If becoming a millionaire from a slumdog is possible in usa then it is also possible that you can be slumdog from millionaire in no time� I can give you many examples but if you want to try it out yourself, then try to live in this country without car insurance & health insurance for one month.

    I got my priorities set now & believe me getting a GC has become my last priority & if you are curious on what was the priority before it was last but one because I had so many imp things to worry than GC. But at the same time I also want to say without a GC & not knowing when & if I will get it is always bothering me somewhere deep inside ( May be this is what I meant by do you have peace of mind?)

    I currently have script in progress & very soon I am planning to make a documentary on immigrant�s struggle in US .provided I have a continuous job & enough savings & funding and that day I will have a real �peace of mind�.

    And tomorrow the day starts again with a snooze ahwwwww�

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  • nfinity
    07-03 06:16 PM
    In all 400$ to date.


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  • BlueSunD
    02-16 05:56 PM
    count me in too! :) Just started today, but i'll see if I post some wip screens.

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  • pappu
    09-10 11:14 AM
    I'm not able to figure out how to post a mssg in it 'coz I'm restricted or something? At the bottom of the page I see my name as logged in members though..I've over 150 posts and 4 dots..not enough for access to chat or is it that I'm not able to figure out how to post mssgs? Appreciate it if someone can explain it to me.

    Thank you.

    You can post. Just type the messages on the left hand side panel.


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  • Jaime
    09-12 11:39 PM
    Tri-State and neighboring states, you can definitely make it to DC easily! What's stopping you? Let's go! Let's make the rally a historic event!!!! TOGETHER WE CAN!!!!

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  • go_guy123
    05-26 07:32 PM
    The applicant was found to be inadmissible pursuant to section 212(a(6)(C)(ii) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (the Act), for falsely claiming to be a U.S. citizen. 0or%20Aggravated%20Felony%20Conviction/Decisions_Issued_in_2008/Jun162008_07H4212.pdf

    In fact he was married to US citizen and didn't need to lie at all. He brought it upon himself.


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  • GCKaIntezar
    12-27 02:31 PM
    Just to shed some light on the mortgage scenario -

    Bank of America approved me for a mortgage yesterday - the rep specifically asked for the Citizen/Perm resident question, I told him that I have a valid work visa - he asked what kind - I said H1B. He looked up my credit histoiry and approved me right there. At the end of our 30 minutes long conversation, I asked him to confirm that H1B is not an issue - he confirmed that it wasn't - as long as I have sufficient funds in my acccount, a good cash flow, and a "very good" credit history.

    The subprime mortgage industry is on the brink of collapse - due to all those foreclosures. These institutions have had a pretty relaxed lending schemes - especially for the intereset only and no-down payment ARMs.

    Just to clarify on all the confusion:

    If you are legally here i.e. on H1B yu can have any account and any mortgage. I can pretty much vouch for it because I am one of the persons in the bank incharge of enforcing the credit laws. The only requirement while giving a mortgage is what kind of credit scores and history you have. BOA is quite conservative in giving out loans while someother smaller institutions are not so conservative and hence the rejection from one and acceptance by the other.

    For giving mortgage to illegals I do not know any reputable institution doing so. Yes there is always the grapevine.

    I recently travelled to Delhi from SF using British Air in Dec. I chaged from Terminal 1 to terminal 4 while going and reverse while coming. Nobody asked for any visa, as far as I know it is not required. It was not required before then the requirement came in and now it is no longer there.

    But I do have a valid visa on my passport.

    About Hongkong it takes approximately 5 minutes to get a 15 day visa and the process is very smooth.

    Singapore does not require any visa.

    No visa for Germany, Middleeast and most of the East Asian stops.

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  • jamesbond007
    05-27 05:32 PM
    I-485 application instructions ( ask you to make photocopies of your passport.

    They should probably add to the instructions: "Do not go to Kinkos and ask for help to make photocopies. Do-it-yourself." :D


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  • rajuram
    11-10 10:34 PM
    We have no more excuses now.

    1. Elections are over. So all arguments like "wait till the elections are over" do not apply.

    2. We have a pro immigration president now.

    3. Democrats are incharge of the house and the senate.

    This is a good time to act. What is IV waiting for...

    Ofcourse economy will grab the headlines, but it does not mean nothing else can be done. Do something before democrats start worrying about 2010 elections. Time to highlight that immigrants can help by buying houses (NPR had devoted some time to it recently, so they are aware, we just need to give it more publicity)

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  • chanduv23
    11-14 11:41 AM


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  • GCard_Dream
    11-17 05:44 PM
    What do you mean by "Most people have run out of H1B and will have to change jobs on the extensions"? I thought that as long as you have a approved I-140, you could continue to extend your H1-B beyond the 6 years while you are waiting for your PD to be current. Isn't this true? Please explain.

    That's probably the path most people with (EB3 2003 onwards/EB2 2004 onwards) will take from now on. The only hurdle is there is no clarity about the law regarding H1B extensions granted on an approved I-140. Most people have run out of H1B and will have to change jobs on the extensions. I hope USCIS issues a clear guidance on this issue. Also you might not have to let go of the priority date if your company is kind enough.

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  • msyedy
    06-13 11:12 AM
    Hi, Senthil and Bugmenot

    You said :They will allow some form of consulting and they may ban subcontracting in H1b.

    Now you agree that consulting will be there. So the bill have to be tweeked or else even small american companies will shut down.
    ex bearing point....

    Rule 2 of restriction - Company cannot hire 6 months before or after it has laid of a person.

    Impossible to be applied.
    (Big companies will be affected with this, small companies like CDI, ABC.. who might hire a H1-B on their pay roll but they let them go when they are not able to find a new client that they can place that person).

    Rule 3 - You have to advertise before you get an H1-B might be allowed but ignored like L1 is ignored now.

    I will show you how the merit based system have to change for EB in my next post.

    Got to go...

    I am not supporting consulting ban on h1bs. But even that happens companies will readjust by hiring permanent people. Also big consulting companies will bring more people by L1 and B1. I am working in a consulting company and they do not depend on H1bs though considerable H1bs are there.Still H1b Cap will be reached there is heavy demand for h1b. Also I do not think it is outright ban of H1Bs in consulting. They will allow some form of consulting and they may ban subcontracting in H1b. It depends on how USCIS interprets the law. I hope Congress will not do if anything is bad for country. Infact same rule is there in L1 also. But still I am seeing persons are placed in client sites.
    Of course anti immigrants are trying to block H1b program using this but congress trying this because abuses are more in consulting. When congress realizes this anytime they will remove this restriction if they find some other alternative.

    Now chances of CIR is 30% and 60% chance of statusquo for another 2 years. Even skil bill is passed seperately same restrictions will come as same Senators will be there.

    Some of abuses are
    1. Not paying bench
    2. Lower pay compared to market
    3. illegal agreements
    4. Rotation of people and using H1b for outsourcing(It is not abuse but it is not the purpose of H1b)
    5. Giving ads for recruiting only H1bs

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  • javadeveloper
    05-15 10:11 AM
    jD, I dont think desi unversities went online yet..but if you are here, why dont you think of doing an American or European MBA? ;)

    all the schools I mentioned above went online

    Reasons for exploring

    1.Cheaper(for SCDL fee is $1600 for 2 years)
    2.They are reasonably recognized at least in India , As I have intentions to settle in india
    3.Easy to get admission(at least in SCDL)

    01-19 12:19 AM
    Since my statement about making copies of offical US documents is causing confusion, let me rephrase & elaborate -

    I, as many of you were, was stopped and requested to provide proof of immigration status. I had a color photocopy of my US Visa Stamp of my passport.

    Besides the fact that the Border Patrol agent denied the photocopy as proof of immigration status, he did let me go as soon as I provided my College ID and a DL, warning me that it is against the law to make a photocopy of an official US IMMIGRATION document FOR PERSONAL USE. I did argue about the scenario if I ended up losing my passport and vital documents, which is why I had made copies. He shook his head and repeated the same - NO PHOTOCOPIES OF OFFICIAL US IMMIGRATION DOCUMENTS FOR PERSONAL USE. So, while you are allowed to provide photocopies of official US documents for official government purposes, you cannot make copies of official US IMMIGRATION documents for personal use. I have a pretty busy schedule so I don't have the patience to search, cut and paste the section of the law which refers to this since I did research this at that time and deemed correct the Border Agent's warning.

    Are you sure that you were able to make a color photocopy of your passport? How did you manage to do that, at your work copy machine or from Kinko's, Staples, office depot, or some where else?

    The reason I am asking is, in FL, recently I tried to take color copies of my passport in Staples, where I was not allowed to take photocopies of passport which was clearly labeled on copy machine and same thing at Kinko's and I wonder how you managed to get color copies.. (sorry folks my questions was way out from the main topic of this post).

    04-05 09:23 AM
    has anybody contacted senator office or congress person office on this issue. They are sometimes very helpful in handling matters of red-tape.

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