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Friday, June 17, 2011

osama bin laden family photos_06

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  • a_yaja
    04-04 09:10 AM
    I hope not. If they ban bodyshops the cap will never run out.
    And people in Real companies will be able to get the visas.
    There are many business models and you need to be aware of how each model works. There are a lot of companies, banks, insurance companies, even small and medium manufacturing companies that hire contractors for developing IT applications. They remain contractors for a reason - once the application has been developed - the contractors turn over the application to the company for maintenance and enhancements. A small percentage of contractors stay on and become permanant employees - but others move on. It would not be cost efficient for those companies to hire all developers as FTEs - the cost associated with benifits, taxes, 401K, etc are much more costly than having a contractor. Ofcourse, they can lay-off the employees after the project is completed - but what would that do to their reputation? Any company that follows a "hire-and-fire" policy cannot survive long.

    Let me give you a simple real life analogy. Let us say that you have a decent family sized car that you and your family use on a daily basis. Then let us say you want to go on a vacation with your friends family. What would you do in this case? Would you go out and buy a mini-van? Or would you rent one?

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  • nirenjoshi
    11-12 03:51 PM
    I am tracking the pace at which the FOIA requests are moving forward..
    Request #NRC2008064184 moved from
    65283 out of 66115 on 11/6/08 to
    64565 out of 65477 pending requests on 11/12/08

    At this rate, its moving ahead by about 100 requests per day. It will take 2 years to just get these requests cleared. And this particular request was on Track Two. Most others are on the Complex track which might take even longer.. :(

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  • srkamath
    07-13 10:42 AM
    Keep in mind two things. Many, quite possibly most of the July VB fiasco filed 485s have not been processed yet, Eb2 or EB3 India. There have been more recently (in the past couple of months) but still not most. A good number of those filers had earlier PDs.
    The quarterly statutory quota for EB2 I or C is so puny (something like 700 visas) that any movement would almost entirely be dependent on the Eb1 and EB2ROW overflow. That is why I feel, once this next two months pass, we will see dates back in 2004 for EB2. Maybe not quite back in April, but sometime in the middle to later 2004. However we could see PDs move at a healthy clip for EB2 I and C next year. It will take most of next years overflow to clear up the EB2 backlog in my view.

    They have no reason to pull the dates back. Most 2004, 2005, part 2006 people got to apply during the july07 fiasco. In the past, they have pulled the dates back if new applications flooded in when they pushed the dates up.
    USCIS will process in the following order now
    1. Pull out cases based on PD, review then approve/deny/RFE
    2. While waiting for RFE, process the next based on PD
    3. IF the RFE response window is outside of this fiscal, they will re-allocate the visa number to another approvable case.

    They will manage to process about 20k cases approving as many as possible by Sep30th2008.

    Therefore, only those with pending RFEs will be delayed into next year.

    USCIS is not all that inefficient or incompetent, not sure about DOS (to be fair, the Visa Office seems to have got its act together in the recent months)

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  • file485
    01-30 01:19 PM
    again from H1 to H4 ..if u dont find a job will be another major horror story if u want to change your status from H1 to H4 as you have 2 show atleast 2 paystubs to show u maintained your H1...or go back home and get a H4 stamping...

    all is a horror story..either u take a H1 and only look forward..even if u want to change your H1 to another company u need paystubs... so living in the USA is no joke,bottomline..


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  • 2011 osama bin laden family

  • varshadas
    01-30 02:51 PM
    After we come up with the final flyer with images and stuff, we should get it reviewed by IV to make sure that we don't have conflicting statements. We have to get color printouts. We can get them at Kinko's.

    Who is good with PPT? Someone can work on the images? Do we want to use IV's existing images or make some new ones?


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  • Dhundhun
    09-17 07:15 PM
    Not relevent to immigration, but, It is important for us to hold job. A lot of bleeding happening in financial segment and our jobs may be at risk.

    These bailouts has been described by Professor Nouriel Roubini as "privatization of profit and socialization of losses" ( I think communists are as "socialization of profits as well as losses".

    My couple of friends are expert in FIX (Financial Information eXchange) and were asking me to move in that area. Now, I am not sure to put it on hold or entirely shelve it. But this is just an idea, how we could be affected by this downturn and priorities can change.


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  • GCKaIntezar
    02-20 08:39 PM
    Durga Temple Plan for Sunday 2/26

    Vineet and I chated today and he confirmed our appointment at Durga Temple in South Brunswick. Please reply to this message and confirm that you will be coming in. The tentative time to reach and setup the table is between 4:00-4:30pm.

    So far I have me and Vineet coming in. We need atleast 3 more to join us in this drive.

    I left you a voice mail on this also.


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  • osama bin laden family photos_06. osama bin laden family photos_06.

  • WeldonSprings
    08-27 12:20 PM
    Also, don't you think that 20000 CP numbers would be included in the monthly numbers or are the monthly numbers just AOS numbers?

    There are few issues

    You have missed 20k annual CP cases
    The acceptance rate of I-485 application (big unknow) would change the number a lot.

    July was a slow month but August was big mover so 11k visa is just too low for this period.


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  • osama bin laden family photos_06. osama bin laden family photos_06.

  • mayhemt
    02-09 06:49 AM
    i can drive my minivan from zip code 32771 (orlando area). so 6 seats are vacant.
    i can pick up members from daytona beach area, jacksonville etc. if someone is coming from south florida, tampa area they can stop by at orlando and we can car pool from orlando.

    i need atleast one person who can drive at night, cause i cannot.

    I would like to join, I live in Orlando area... do you happen to hear from other interested members?

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  • Pineapple
    07-28 12:04 PM
    In the media, there is a term called the "silly season", where all kinds of "news" crop up to make up for lack of any really interesting or important news during the summer time.

    (See )

    It seems IV has its own silly season, when nothing else is going on - notice the one-a-day threads on "I-got-a-red-dot", "i-am-depressed" etc. This thread is one more on the list.. take it easy.. :)


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  • osama bin laden family

  • rkay
    05-23 02:08 PM
    MBA is not for everyone and in addition, an Online MBA doesn't have any value. MBA is not the same thing as learning cntrl C and cntrl V and then working for a shady desi consultant.
    All these years in US, getgreensoon1's expertise in IT ?
    cntrl C and cntrl V !

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  • McGuffin
    02-23 02:17 PM
    Yeah, I need a set done date, I might not be able to get this one done.


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  • osama bin laden family

  • tapukakababa
    07-18 09:55 AM
    Mine reached USCIS Jul 2, 2007 10:25 AM.. no check cashed, no RD..

    I will call USCIS next monday if I dont hear anything before then..

    what should we ask them for if we call, 'coz they might not have entered our file in their system yet.

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  • Casa Modernista da Rua; osama bin laden family photos_06.

  • piyu7444
    02-02 02:21 PM
    I am glad to be of help. If my post was helpful, I urge you to consider making a donation to IV.


    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

    Donation should be on the way today.


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  • osama bin laden family

  • qesehmk
    02-11 03:03 PM
    Family based visa used for FY2009 = 215,343
    Family based immigrant visa numbers = 226,000

    Unused visa = 10,567
    available for employment based visa numbers for FY2010.

    Family based visa used for FY2008 = 226,105
    Family based immigrant visa numbers = 226,000

    Unused visa = ZERO
    available for employment based visa numbers for FY2009.

    Always go by the facts.

    Not a legal advice.

    I agree. I tried to see if there is a way FB category in 2009 might have received a spillover from EB. But thats almost impossible given EB is severely backlogged.

    Another way to verify unused 13K in 2009 EB would be to check 2010 FB limit. If there were unused visas from EB in 2009 then they go back to FB in 2010.

    Finally, per Ron unused is not same as wasted. Unused is unassigned. Wasted is .... assigned but action is not taken to close the case. If that is the case then wasted visas won't be available .... neither inside or outside category. It is frightening to think that with so many preadjudicated cases USCIS might be wasting visas! I don't believe this .... but if true ... it is outrageous.

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  • StuckInTheMuck
    07-30 07:39 AM
    At the risk of giving someone the idea of starting a new thread on dottiness (all sorts of stuff are popping up these days :)) - you can see your DI (dot index) by clicking "User Profile" at the top right of this page (assuming you are logged on to IV), and then clicking "User Control Panel", which opens the list of your dots w/o comments (I am yet to figure out the point system that comes with it). This does not tell you though who gave what, unless they announce themselves.

    And I thank you for your vote of confidence on the relevance issue :)


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  • Rajeev
    12-19 10:47 AM
    Hi Varsha

    I will join the conference. My e-mail address is

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  • sunty
    11-11 10:28 AM

    I am aware getting participation from the members is a tough one. But when people will sense a hint of success, they will come.

    The biggest example is IV itself. When Aman founded this, it was just a small website for people to discuss EB immigration issues facing them. Look at IV now.

    Similarly, we have to start somewhere. Recapture and CIR are far dreams for now. At this point, if we can do anything to have any sort of respite, it would be a good thing...

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  • osama bin laden family

  • sledge_hammer
    07-16 05:45 PM
    This type of false propoganda makes my blood boil :mad:

    09-10 11:54 AM
    Hey, I know many of you might still be hesitant to attend the rally, and probably there's a number of reasons. But, whichever the reason, please remember this:

    You should attend the rally even if you were the only person attending! You shoulld attend because YOU"VE HAD ENOUGH and you want to tell Congress everything that you have had to be quiet about so far! You should attend because we may not get a chance like this again!

    Think about this. When you are driving your car late at night and you come up to a traffic light on red, you still stop even if there are no cars to be seen anywhere. You do it because that's the right thing to do. When you see someone beating somebody up you speak up, right? Because that's the right thing to do. We are putting the green light on right now for you to speak up, and we have the chance to tell Congress how we have been "betaen up" repeatedly by the system. WE NEED TO DO THIS! Don't stay quiet!!!

    Once you rid yourself of the feeling that "1 more person (you) cannot make a difference" (which you can, by the way, but that's not the point) then you realize that the reasons for attending the rally are based on PRINCIPLE and not only on numbers. That is what Gandhi and Martin Luther King would have done. THEY SUCCEEDED!! WE WILL TOO!! BUT WE NEED YOU IN WASHINGTON!!!

    01-27 01:54 PM

    i hope that country caps are removed
    i also hope it's not at your expense :-)
    i don't see why people think these things are mutually exclusive
    we all want the best to happen- for ourselves- and as much as we can help it
    for everyone else too!!
    great work on putting the data together, hopefully we can develop some concise sound bites to present to affected people and to lawmakers.
    i do suggest that the final summary should show 3 examples

    China EB2 and EB3
    India EB2 and EB3
    ROW EB3

    this way everyone affected sees something about themselves

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osama bin laden family photos_06

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